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Siskoni on älyn jättiläinen.Torstai 27.05.2010 22:27

Facebookissa keskustelimme.

Aluksi hän kysyy, et "mikä eläin on alffa uros?"...

Sit rupeen tiedusteleen, et taasko veljeni häntä kiusaa.

Kävi ilmi, että kyseessä oli väittely.

Veli väittää, että alfauros on gorilla kun taas siskoni on leijonan puolella.

Eli veljeni trollaa kuten hänellä on kovin usein tapana.

No lisäsin lusikkani soppaan sanomalla, että alfauros on oikeasti peijooni. Samalla uskottelin, että sisko tosiaan on enemmän oikeassa, sillä ovathan leijona ja peijooni hyvin samankaltaisia.

Pian siskoni sanoo, että MINÄ näytän alfaurokselta eräässä valokuvassa, joka on otettu siskon rippijuhlien aikaan.

Lopun kruunasi kommentti "No sä ootki tommonen peijooni.".

Lopussa herääkin kysymys, että miten ihmeessä siskostani on tämmöinen tullut? Itse veikkaan sitä, että olemme veljen kanssa syöttäneet hänelle niin paljon ns. pajunköyttä, että hän epäilee kaikkea, niin tosipuheita kuin palturia, tasa-arvoisesti.

Sopivasti koko koulupäivä :3cTiistai 11.05.2010 15:54

Onko tämä hyvä?

UniMaanantai 10.05.2010 01:59

Näin unta jossa oli kanan kokosia puluja... ne ei osannu lentää koska niitten siivet oli kropassa silleen kiinni ettei ne voinu avata niit. Olivat pelottavia.

House of five leavesSunnuntai 09.05.2010 23:38

Tämä miellyttää silmääni.

Korvaakin miellyttää, koska soundtrack on erittäin herkullisen oloinen näin kolmen jakson jälkeen.

MÄKITTEEN!Maanantai 26.04.2010 18:17

Pick 20 movies/anime/video games/comic books/literary works/television series and put their summaries from Better Than It Sounds and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess them.

1. Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Teenagers become dinosaur-themed superheroes, then mythical-beast-based superheroes, then ninja superheroes, all while keeping the same costumes, even though all but one of the original members are replaced along the way.

2. Pulp Fiction. A couple of hitmen discuss everything from hamburgers to theology. One retires, the other dies, and their boss is anally raped.

3. Metal Gear Solid 4. Two sad old men fight over drugs.

4. Silent Hill. Your daughter gets lost in a foggy resort town, and an antiques dealer tries to convince you that she's actually her daughter. The cop and the doctor don't clarify things.

5. God Hand. A cocky punk fights against demons, dominatrices, wrestling gorillas, hard gay thugs and other freaks capable of killing him very dead with his replacement arm.

6. Killer7. A Mexican luchador, a blind kid, a shirtless guy with horrible posture, a cocky guy with a huge revolver, a high-jumping thief, a barefoot woman who cuts her wrists a lot, and a black man in a suit shoot smiling, exploding people at the behest of an old Jew in a wheelchair, who spends his days playing chess with a crazed Korean demigod. The whole thing may or may not be a metaphor for something.

7. Mononoke. An unnamed albino with Pointy Ears, Facial Markings and a Situational Sword dredges up the guilty pasts of an inn, a ship, a mask, a stick, and a train. His Literal Split Personality then uses this to kill Japanese Cthulu.

8. Resident Evil. Cops break into a house and kill everyone inside.

9. A teenage boy goes to a fair. Apocalypse ensues.

10. Turtle king's original seven children return after a long absence and team up with his other son. The duo enlists the help of two mushroom folk and the dinosaur, but end up tripping over each other.

11. An amnesiac rebels against her former employers, one of whom is a clown.

12. Commando. Man with peculiar accent drops acquaintance off a cliff and helps former co-worker let off some steam.

13. Boy genius fights aliens who intend to destroy the world. He uses stuff he made out of crap in his dad's garage and his mom's fridge. A classmate was behind it the whole time.

14. You have a knife. They are wearing chaingun-equipped powered armor. Good luck!

15. Humongous Mecha has joysticks for the first time ever. Actually, a lot of things happen for the first time ever.

16. In the future, your computer hates you. The only person who can save you is a pre-teen Jerk Ass. Your computer REALLY hates him.

17. Akagi. A fourteen-year-old who looks like an adult plays games with gangsters on his days off. He wins. They're scarred for life.

18. Small people with random skills go on a road trip and fight large people with government connections.

19. A guy saves a girl in a short skirt from a man in a suit, then gets his friends to gang up on him. The bad ending is canon.

20. Spyro The Dragon. A greedy young punk who has really bad halitosis frees his elders and battles an orc. His health bar is a dragonfly.
Oli ihan sairaan siisti leffa! Chara design by Yoshitaka Amano ja ohjaus oli Mamoru Oshiin käsialaa.

Pornoja scriinshottei :3cccc

:IKeskiviikko 21.04.2010 23:34

Ostin tippaleipiä....

...ne perhanat oli kovia kuin KORPPU!

JulistusPerjantai 16.04.2010 01:33

Olen nettikiusaaja.

Kiusaan pikkusiskoani Facebookissa :<<<<

Nyt se on sitten sanottu.

Huijasin.Perjantai 02.04.2010 01:33

Oon oikeesti mies.

Vitsit, ku uppos kaikkii ihan täysii. Ei voi ku ihmetel.

Oon oikeesti nainen.Torstai 01.04.2010 04:17

Fuck Yea!